It takes just few moments to request free, no obligation information about any of our talented speakers.  Just click on the “Request Information” link and send us your name and contact details (address, phone, email, etc.), along with a little information about your special event.

Please include date (or dates), location, number of attendees and information about any previous events you’ve done. That helps us custom-tailor the possibilities for you.

If you’re not an email fan, use the good ol’ telephone and dial Mark Larson at (619) 579-0967..

You’ll get a response (and details on rates and speaker availability) as soon as possible… usually within minutes… or certainly within 24 hours.  And, unlike other speakers bureaus, we don’t just “book it and forget it”. We work with you every step of the way to help make your event the best yet! 

Thanks again for considering ML Speakers Group and!

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